Back To School To Do List
Note: Some buttons will only be active during the time period applicable to the event/program
Submit family information to school directory
Absolute deadline is September 30. Returning families: a link will be emailed to you to update information
Pay PTSA Membership Dues - You are not committing to volunteer when you pay dues
A paper membership form can be found in the school district if you prefer not to join online
Subscribe to SHS eNews and District PTSA eNews
You don't need to subscribe each year. You will continue receiving messages if you subscribed last year.
Order SHS Spirit Wear
Spirit wear sales will be organized by the SHS student council. Watch for information on the AM announcements or check Sutherland High School's page on the PCSD website
Add Funds to Lunch Money Cards
Lunch funds transfer from year to year
Volunteer for a PTSA Committee
View the list of opportunities and get in touch with the building or committee chairs to learn more.
Order School Yearbook
Don't wait until it is too late.
View the district PTSA website for important information
The district PTSA site and the School District site are two different sites